Cage Fighting

This weekend we had managed to get some free tickets to see the Cage Rage at Wembley arena in London. I’ve seen a few live fight events before, but never mixed martial arts combat, so I thought I’d give it a try. And, in the spirit of true romanticism, I brought my girlfriend along with me too.

I wasn’t too sure what to make of the Cage fighting. The rounds were over very quickly in most cases and matches all seemed to start off well, punches, kicks and lots of movement, but almost all of them descended quickly into the competitors lying on the floor hugging each other. A couple of the contestants looked like they had eaten one too many ice creams at the sea side and their match was the most boring one of all to watch. I’m sure they all train very hard to become cage fighters and they could all most likely kill me in their sleep. However, I found that the hype machine that was surrounding the event had brought my expectations about the fights to such a level where delivering a spectacle that would meet my approval had become impossible. There were a couple of high points which I’m almost but not quite ashamed to say, were the points at which maximum damage had been dealt to a fighter. We saw one guy get a knee to the face and one fighter had his knee snapped by a Japanese leg lock specialist. Ouch.

I don’t want to blog for bloggings sake. If live combat is your thing, I’d recommend boxing or watching some Thai kick boxing which is far more exciting. I won’t be attending Cage Matches after the internet goes down that’s for sure.


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