Masonic London

Freemasonry and all the secrecy that surrounds the practice has become an obsession of mine of late. The Masons are a highly ritualised organisation that has spread throughout Europe and most of the westernised world. The organisation currently claim to have over 6 million members indoctrinated and at various levels of rank and power all over the world.
The members of the Freemasons call themselves "The Lightbringers" and it is their mission to spread their light to every corner of the world. They publicly focus their rituals towards a theocratic figurehead called simply, The Great Architect. Because modern day Masons can be of any faith, The Great Architect represents which ever deity the members worship in their own religion. They claim this is so all the members of the lodge can focus their energy on a single iconic figure whilst still remaining true to their own individual faiths. Interestingly enough, the majority of Freemasons last century were Protestants. The Roman Catholic Church shunned the Freemasons and so Catholics weren't allowed to be indoctrinated. I find this strange as the Protestant religion is very specific about not worshipping idols or covering their places of worship in decadance and finery, however this contradicts what you would see if you stepped into the Grand Lodge in London.

The United Grand Lodge in Covent Garden is the focal point for all the masonic lodges in Europe. Freemasonry as we see it today began with this building, formed by the merger of 4 smaller masonic lodges from around the country. Its architecture was designed and built around the strange rituals that are carried out by the Masons during their meetings. There are strong ties to the occult and Freemasonry. The two main doorways to the lodge are preceded by large Pentagrams laid into the floor. Apparently this is to "shrink a persons aura" on entry. The handles of the doors on exit and the symbols and sygils carved around the inner doorways are meant to empower Masons as they leave the lodge and enter the outside world.

The invlovement of the Freemasons in world history has been discussed many times before in various books, documentaries and films. If you would like to know more about this, I recommend The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Shea. There are many documentaries about them on line, The Lightbingers, Emissaries Of Jabulon is my favourite to date. Basically, the background is that the Freemasons have, throughout history, been composed of some of the most powerful and influential people on the planet. George Bush is a member of a lodge called Skull and Bones, Tony Blair is a Mason of the 33rd degree (the highest rank obtainable in the organisation) and so was Lenin. Using the power of their members, the grand masters of Freemasonry, it is said, manipulated the outcome of wars, destroyed cities, caused the French Revolution and are currently to blame for the wars in the middle east. The infamous Masonic motto "New World Order" can be seen on the back of every US dollar bill currently in circulation.

The dollar bill contains many symbols that are allegedly related to the Freemasons. The eye atop the pyramid is also a famous Masonic symbol which is clearly visible in photos of masons in their regaila that are decades old. The number 13 is said to be a mystical and occult number to the Freemasons. The base of the pyramid in "the great seal" below is made up of 13 sections which is said to have special masonic relevance. The phrase annuit cœptis consists of 13 letters and the ribbon beneath the image shows 13 sides.

The Masons are made up of 33 seperate degrees. a mason progresses through these degrees as he moves through the ranks of the organisation.
It is said that the 33 degrees of Masonry are represented in the flag of the united nations, covering the world. Notice the 13 leaves on the olive branches on either side of the globe.

The "Great Seal Of The United States Of America" is also full of these apparently occult and symbolic numbers. The eagle in the seal has 33 feathers in total on its wings. The 13 stars above the eagle are laid out into the star of David (the Jewish Kaballah is the source for alot of this Masonic mysticism. ) The eagle holds 13 arrows in one talon and an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 olives in the other. There are 13 stripes on the shield in the foreground. There are also 13 letters in the phrase e pluribus unum or "out of the many, come one".

Well... It would be rude not to ...

- right?!

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